I simply had to go see the end of the Harry Potter series. It was with moist eyes I watched the ending. This was an end of an era. Harry Potter books followed by the movies. Each one anticipated, even though we learned very quickly that the movies closely resembled the books. So we get to say goodbye to the three main characters in particular. We watched them grow up and become adults, and its sad to say goodbye to their lives. I was always thankful J.K. Rowlins gave a postscript of what occurs and that was the highlight for me to see them as older saying goodbye to their children as they are off to Hogwarts.
Now the question is, is the final movie worth seeing. I think so. It seems to tie up a lot of ends and it is done well. Lots of action, movement and even the 'kissing' scene between Ron and Hermione to remind us that this push/pull relationship between the two of them continues. Also the demise of 'he who shall not be named' - Voldemort finally gone - as is his snake.
Sadness though when I read the book that George was gone plus the others in the big fight, and they did not make too much of that in the movie, and one scene I thought if I had been young and watching it I wouldn't have slept for a week. I guess children are used to the horrific or something, as not one child yelled out (and we had a lot of young children in the theatre). I just thought it was a bit much for younger ones. Otherwise a good Harry Potter movie - even though I saw it in 2D - did not make the drive for 3D. Oh well. If you haven't seen my Harry Potter in his swan song, then go do it.
Enjoy it all. I would say 4 out of 5 stars.