Wednesday, February 23, 2011


While in Regina I braved the cold to go see Unknown. It was worth it. I enjoyed Taken, and if you liked Taken, you will like this movie. Liam Neeson is the 'star' in both and he definitely is wonderful in these kinds of roles (think A-Men).  It has wonderful car chases, in fact perhaps one to many car chases, but they are worth watching. The premise of a man who awakens after a four day coma following a car accident to discover his wife doesn't recognize him and another man is him.
The unravelling of this dilemma is what the movie is about, the twists and turns as you attempt to figure out what is actually going on is part of the fun of this movie. In the middle you are given a clue. A brief second on the screen and my mind went to almost (not quite) what was going on. The issue was a little different than I thought (and I'm good at figuring out plots). I can't let you know, because if you go see it you want to see it not knowing what it is all about. If you want to spend a couple of hours being entertained with car chases, unknown aspects, good acting by all characters and some twists and turns, then this is a movie for you to see.  Enjoy.  4 out of 5.  (Lost points for the one to many car chases).

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