Sunday, October 2, 2011

Movie review - Dolphin Tale

I loved this movie and to think I almost missed seeing it. If you have a family, and even if you don't you need to see this movie. It is lovely. It is touching after all how could a real life story of a Dolphin called Winter who loses her tail not be. But I think its the kids who make this movie. Nathan Gamble plays Sawyer a troubled kid whose father has left home a number of years ago and he has not heard from him since, and his favorite cousin has gone off to the army. He's sad and lost and when he helps free Winter from the rope binding her and forever finds himself a 'friend' his life changes.
I loved the journey of how the sea animal hospital in Clearwater, Florida not only saves the Dolphin's life, but then they discover how to build her a new tail. Well, they don't build it others do, but they work with Winter until she finally has one which works. Of course in the process they save the sea animal hospital and exhibition. I don't really care how much of it is real or how much is fiction, as I wiped my tears away from my eyes (which I did not even know I had begun to cry) I knew this movie had something for everyone. Laughter, tears, joy and being left with a good feeling. The cast all do their roles well, Ashley Judd as Sawyer's mothers. Harry Connick Jr as the Dr in charge, Kris Kristofferson, as the grandfather and Morgan Freeman as the Scientist who helps create the tail. The young girl, whose name I don't have who plays Hazel (like the eyes) was also great.
If you see one movie this month, go see this one. I think its worth it.
4 out of 5.

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