Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fast & Furious 6 - movie review

I could not wait to see this movie. My appointment book had when it was opening Fast & Furious 6. Unfortunately I had to wait a whole day before I could go and see it, but last night saw me and my movie goer friend Trish walk in and take our seats (I had bought them ahead when I went back to see Star Trek - phenomenal movie - again.).
I own the DVD's of the other movies and just loved seeing, Van Diesel, Paul Walker, Jordara Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Sung Kang, Gal Gadot, Chris aLudacrisa Bridges and Elsa Patakg with Dwayne Johnson from Fast and Furious 5, and then adding Michelle Rodriguez who had died at the end of Fast and Furious but was reborn (having forgotten her memory) in 6.
I found it a bit slow for the first quarter (picky me) but then the action started and once again was tremendously impressed with the stunts.  Wow, there are some beauties in here. Worth seeing again for that. The plot was not as important to me as the message 'family is the most important'.  I could not agree more.
You want action, phenomenal stunts, and seeing the 'gang' back in action, then you have to see this movie. There are some surprises and yes, some deaths, but the ending sets up for Fast and Furious 7. Can't wait.
4 out of 5.

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