Tuesday, July 2, 2013

World War Z movie review

After watching the trailers and discovering World War Z was a movie about Zombies, I had decided not to go see this movie. I found the scenes in the trailers disturbing and I'm not interested in Zombies. Therefore, when the weather changed yesterday and I did not quite know what to do with myself, I decided to go see World War Z.  I'm glad I did.

Sometimes, as with After Earth, a statement made during the movie, makes it worth while, and the same with this one. Brad Pitt, was behind this movie, he coproduced and starred in it. Apparently, the love of Zombies by his boys was the motivator. The statement, that came quite early in the movie was about the way Mother Earth shows the way to solve these viruses or whatever else that gets thrown at us. A bright thought, amongst a growing thought form of world dissemination.

Another reason why I did not want to go and see this movie, was that the scenes I had seen in the trailers disturbed me, when seen in context of the movie were not so bad, in fact, explained a lot of what was happening. It was an interesting theme. As I'm not interested in Zombies, I most certainly had not read the book, and not listened or read anything about the movie. I was an open book to the theme. Brad Pitt, a retired UN worker, who had been in many situations is called upon to help find the original source of this 'virus' which was creating these zombies. When a Zombie bit you, you had 13 seconds before you transformed into one.

Brad Pitt's character Gerry Lane leaves his family, wife played by Mireille Enos from the TV show The Killing, and his two daughters plus a boy, who had joined them, on a boat while he goes off to find how to 'cure' this Zombie outbreak. He is running out of time, as countries fall to the Zombie phenomena.

If you want an adrenal rush this is the movie.  Wow, I was aware I was tense, especially when you realize noise is a factor which attracts them. I was also in awe of the large overhead shots of numerous people's running, pushing, shoving. I wondered if it was computer generated or real. They were impressive whichever way they were done.  Also the scenes of the zombies rushing towards the car, plane or high wall, again adrenal pumping.  Well done make up department and director.  World War Z is something Brad Pitt can be proud of. He achieved an action, intense, movie while discovering how to overcome Zombies.

The comments Brad Pitt makes at the end of the movie, were also worth hearing.  Thoughtful comments for us to think about. Unfortunately, I found them not easy to hear, and I wanted to hear them. I'm not prepared to go and see the movie again just to find out exactly how the words went, but those that I caught, were worthwhile hearing.  So when at the movie, listen hard at the end for the thoughtful thoughts.

I also want to make a comment, after reading Dan Brown's Inferno where the thought of wiping out the population by 1/3 at least is prominent, and now this movie about Zombie's taking over and again in essence wiping us out, I cant help but think this 'thought form' of something coming to decimate our population is growing. Aware that books and movies take a number of years of write and make this thought form is growing. Awareness is important, as collective consciousness of thought is what drives a society, and acceptance of a 'virus' taking out many of us to 'cull' us because of over population has been growing. Just be aware, both Dan Brown's book, and this movie are a part of this thought form. 
World War Z  3 1/2  out of 5.

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