Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I had time yesterday, while I'm in Victoria to go and see Arthur. Now, although I slightly remember the original Arthur with Dudley Moore and Liza Minnelli I was prepared not to compare but to just watch Russell Brand, Helen Murrain and the other actors act this movie. I will say I was disappointed in that it did not hold my attention. Never mind that half way through the movie I had something happen to my foot (still don't know what it was) but it hurt and took my attention as I tried to find a comfortable position for it. But that wasn't it. I thought Russell Brand did as good a job as he could. Helen Murrain, who is always a fabulous actress no matter what role, did give her character the merit it needed. But something was lacking, what I could not actually say. Jennifer Garner did her usual great self in her role. So each actor did their part, and the girl (name not available to me right now) who played Naomi did her part too. But truly, something was missing - what??? that I'm not sure. Don't go rushing out to see this movie, DVD or TV will be sufficient, unless you really want to see it on the big screen. 2 1/2 stars out of 5.

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