Monday, September 26, 2011

Killer Elite

If you read my movie reviews, you will know I do like the 'man' movies and this one was no exception. I had to go by myself, as my often movie goer did not want to see it, plus we had been see Moneyball the night before. But, I wanted to see this. Three main actors, Jason Statham, Robert DeNiro and Clive Owen. Three actors I like. In fact, surprisingly I have become a Jason Statham fan (probably from Transporters). Anyway, I took myself off to see this movie without any expectations. When I saw in the early credits it was based on a true story I really got excited. I like nothing better than 'based on a true story'. At the end it explains the movie is based on a book that was written.  The movie moves fast, first explaining why Jason Statham - Danny - character was wanting out of the assassination game, and then the story unfolds as to why he gets back in, to save his mentor - Robert DeNiro. It is quite a plot, he has to kill this three soldiers, so his friend is released and earn six million. Then the Clive Owen - Striker - is there trying to stop him. What I liked was at the end all three survive and although it leaves you wondering what will happen next to them, you are pulling for Danny to get what he wants, the girl and a quiet life.  Oh yes, lots of shooting, death and fighting with the usual car chases etc. I thought it was good for its type. I enjoyed it and did not mind going and missing some TV shows (mind you I had PVR'd them).  Even though it was Sunday night, I was surprised there were not more people in the theatre, although most were men and probably were surprised to see a white haired older women come in and sit down by herself. But heh, I'm a fan!!  Great going guys!
3 1/2 stars out of five.

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